Michelle R.
Name: Michelle
Position: Groomer
Hometown: Grattan, MI
Pets: I have a full house with "Shiann" a 9 year old yellow lab, and "Tucker" a 10 year old cockapoo. Plus the 6 cats "Mama" at 13 years, "Nim" (fat boy) at 10, "Nimrod" at 10, "Eri"s who is 9, "Waffles" at 3, and "Mittens" who is 2."
More about Michelle
- Prior to working at Cascade Hospital for Animals, Michelle worked as an assistant manager at a party store.
- Michelle started working for Cascade in 2006 as an Animal Care Technician. She then started grooming in 2012.
- Her favorite subject in school was biology.
- Growing up she wanted to be a veterinarian.
- The three things she would want with her on a deserted island would be a beach umbrella, reclining rocking chair, and a bible.
- Her favorite movie is "Star Wars"
- The song that sums her us is "Live Like That" by Sidewalk Prophets