Lia T.
Name: Lia
Position: Breton Village Animal Clinic Operations Supervisor
Hometown: Dearborn, Michigan
Pets: 3 cats named "Bee", "Bandit", and "Chives Toffee Beifong"
More about Lia:
- Lia wants to help animals and people and felt that working at a veterinary hospital would allow her to do just that.
- The perfect warning label for her would be "Turns off at 10pm".
- If Lia was an animal she would be an otter. Fun, playful, and fierce when it is needed.
- Some favorite movies of hers include "The Lord of the Rings" and anything Hobbit related.
- Lia is surprisingly good at martial arts despite her small stature.
- Before joining the team at Cascade Hospital for Animals, she worked as a teacher in Taiwan then at John Ball Zoo in memberships.