Kaitlyn S.

Name: Kaitlyn

Position: Licensed Veterinary Technician

Education: Michigan State University

Hometown: Livonia, Michigan

Pets: Blazer and Moku 

More about Kaitlyn: 

  • From a very young age, Kaitlyn has always had a passion for animals. She grew up helping her grandma with her "fish lady" business and always had at least three animals in the house! 
  • When she first shadowed the CHFA practice, she loved how close the team was, and how well they worked together. She states that everyone was very welcoming, and she is looking forward to continuing her passion for saving lives alongside us!
  • Outside of work, she loves to read, cook, explore the outdoors, and try new restaurants/breweries (she is a big foodie!)
  • Kaitlyn owns two cats - Blazer and Moku. Blazer, named for "trailblazer",  was found exploring the trails in Roscommon, Michigan. He is a lover boy and an absolute food MONSTER. Her other cat, Moku, is a rescue. While he is known to be a bit scared, he enjoys walking around and making tetradactyl noises. 
  • She loves so many books that she is unable to pick a favorite! Some of her top genres are romance, thriller, and fantasy.