Pet Dental Care - Dr. Godfrey at Cascade Hospital for Animals

Protect Their Health with Proper Pet Dental Care

Header Photo: Veterinarians Dr. Godfrey and Dr. Barrett carefully providing a dental procedure to a dog at CHFA, ensuring a healthy smile and overall well-being!

One often overlooked aspect of pet health is dental care. We sat down with our veterinarian, Dr. Maia Godfrey, to discuss the importance of pet dental health and how you can ensure your furry friend maintains a healthy smile.

The Importance of Dental Care for Pets

Dr. Godfrey emphasizes that dental care is not just about fresh breath and pearly whites. "Dental disease not only can lead to pain, especially when eating, chewing, or playing with toys, but can also have effects on the long-term health of their heart, liver, and kidneys," she explains. Unlike humans who can communicate when they're experiencing dental discomfort, our pets rely on us to monitor and maintain their oral health.

Signs of Dental Issues in Pets

While some pets may be stoic about oral pain, there are several signs to watch for:

  • Changes in eating habits
  • Pawing at the face
  • Dropping food while eating
  • Chewing on only one side of the mouth
  • Lack of interest in toys they once enjoyed
  • Hiding or lethargy
  • Foul breath
  • Visible issues with teeth or gums, such as redness along the gum line

Dr. Godfrey advises, "If you notice any of these signs, it's important to have your pet examined by a veterinarian as soon as possible."

Preventative Care at Home

One of the best ways to maintain your pet's dental health is through regular brushing to remove dental plaque before it hardens into tartar. Dr. Godfrey recommends using a children's soft-bristled toothbrush with pet-specific toothpaste approved by the Veterinary Oral Health Council (VOHC). "Focus on brushing the outside of the teeth and gums, paying special attention to the gum line where plaque tends to accumulate," she suggests. "Ideally, you should brush your pet's teeth once daily."

Cascade Hospital for Animals carries a wide range of products designed to support cat and dog dental health. From toothbrushes and toothpaste to dental chews and treats, we have everything you need to keep your pet's teeth clean and healthy. Our team can help you choose the right items to ensure proper oral care for your pet.

Pet Dental Products

For those who find brushing challenging, there are alternatives. "There are several dental chews or treats that can act as the next best thing to brushing," Dr. Godfrey notes. She recommends looking for products with the Veterinary Oral Health Council (VOHC) seal of approval, which are designed to help reduce plaque and tartar buildup.

 Professional Dental Cleaning for Pets

Regular professional dental cleanings are crucial for maintaining your pet's oral health. Dr. Godfrey explains, "An oral exam is part of the complete physical exam every pet receives during their wellness visits, which should be done at least annually, if not twice a year."

The frequency of professional teeth cleaning can vary depending on the individual pet. Some dogs and cats may need cleanings twice yearly, while others might go a few years between procedures. Your veterinarian can provide personalized recommendations based on your pet's specific dental health needs.


CHFA Pet Dental

The Risks of Neglecting Dental Care

Neglecting your pet's dental health can lead to serious consequences. Dr. Godfrey warns, "Dental disease can lead to broken teeth, bleeding gums, infected tooth roots, jaw damage, and even contribute to heart, liver, and kidney disease. Regular dental care is essential for your pet's overall health and quality of life."

Comprehensive Dental Services at Cascade Hospital for Animals

At Cascade Hospital for Animals, we offer a wide range of pet dental services to keep your pet's mouth healthy. Dr. Godfrey outlines our offerings: "We provide dental exams and prophylaxis (professional dental cleaning), diagnostic dental x-rays, surgical extraction of diseased or fractured teeth, oronasal fistula repair, oral mass removal or biopsy, and treatments for severe gingival hyperplasia."

Our professional dental cleanings are thorough and tailored to each pet's needs. From pre-anesthetic blood work to ensure your pet's safety, to comprehensive oral exams and x-rays, to thorough cleaning and any necessary surgical procedures, we prioritize your pet's comfort and health throughout the process.

Start Early for a Lifetime of Healthy Smiles

Dr. Godfrey emphasizes the importance of starting dental care early. "Get your pet used to regular dental home care, like letting you look in their mouth and brush their teeth, as early as possible," she advises. "While many pets don't develop substantial dental disease until they are a few years old, getting started on preventative care early can save them discomfort and irreversible damage."


Pet smiles


Remember, your pet's dental health is an essential component of their overall well-being. By staying proactive with at-home care and regular professional check-ups and cleanings, you can help ensure your furry friend enjoys a healthy, pain-free smile for years to come.

For more information about pet dental care or to schedule a dental check-up for your pet, contact Cascade Hospital for Animals or Breton Village Animal Clinic today. Your pet's smile is worth it!