New Owner Announcement: Dr. Clayton Siegle Becomes Part Owner

Dr. Clayton Siegle recently became a new owner of Cascade Hospital for Animals and Breton Village Animal Clinic. As he steps into this significant role, Dr. Siegle shared insights about his journey, his vision for the hospital, and the legacy he aims to uphold and evolve.

Dr. Siegle's journey into veterinary medicine and business ownership started many years before his degree in veterinary medicine. "My journey really started early in life. I saw my dad running Cascade Hospital for Animals and was told stories of when my grandpa was the owner of the practice. I looked up to both of them as leaders, especially my dad," he reflected. This familial influence instilled in him a passion for leadership and a desire to continue the family legacy.

Dr. Clayton Siegle CHFA"Growing up, I sought leadership roles in school and extracurricular activities. I always liked the idea of having leadership responsibilities and being my own boss," he added. It was this blend of leadership aspirations and a passion for veterinary medicine that guided him towards his dual goal of becoming both a veterinarian and a business owner.

Having been part of the hospital leadership team for the past year, Dr. Siegle is no stranger to the inner workings of Cascade Hospital for Animals and Breton Village Animal Clinic. "I think I help to bring a different perspective and ideas to the team," he shared. His primary goal is clear: "Ultimately, my biggest goal is to continue to have us strive to provide the best medicine among general practices in the West Michigan area and for as many people both in and out of this profession to know that."

Dr. Siegle also emphasized the importance of culture within the practice. "This place has always been like a second home to me. Everyone here is like a member of the family. Success isn't all about money or fame but to me is the impact that I can make in people's and pet’s lives."

Balancing his passion for veterinary medicine with the responsibilities of business ownership is a challenge Dr. Siegle is prepared to face. "Balance can always be a tricky thing to find. My passion is being a veterinarian, especially as a surgeon. Being a good veterinarian comes first. Ensuring exceptional medicine and compassionate care as a veterinarian builds trust among the staff and the clients. You can't lead a business without trust."

To manage these dual responsibilities, Dr. Siegle focuses on time management and improving his efficiency. "I've been working on my time management: finding ways to work time into administration duties; improving my own efficiency and limiting distractions. These are still things I'm growing in but there's always room to grow."

When asked about what prepared him for this new challenge, Dr. Siegle pointed to a combination of experiences. "I see elements from my days as an Eagle Scout or the things I learned while earning my Veterinary Business Management Certificate in vet school that I can draw upon. But also I can lean on the lessons I've learned from my dad over the years."

He also expressed gratitude for the support system within the hospital. "Thankfully, I'm not in this role alone. I've got other great owners that I can continue to learn from and grow in these dual responsibilities."

CHFA OwnersOwners of Cascade Hospital for Animals - Dr. Greg Paplawsky, Dr. Steven McBride, Dr. Becky Schaffer, Dr. Richard Siegle, Dr. Clayton Siegle.

Looking ahead, Dr. Siegle outlined several long-term goals for Cascade Hospital for Animals. "We have several big picture and long-term goals that collectively we've made as a hospital leadership team. To reach those, it's about breaking those goals down into smaller goals and tasks. They say Rome wasn't built in a day, well neither was Cascade Hospital for Animals."

A key focus for Dr. Siegle is the growth of the hospital's referral services and surgeries. "One goal I'd love to see is our referral services and surgeries growing. But there are so many sub-goals beneath that overarching goal. It means learning more as a veterinarian, investing in new equipment and enhancing our facilities, building up an amazing staff and helping them grow, cultivating relationships, and exploring new opportunities."

tploDr. Clayton Siegle performs a TPLO (Tibial Plauteau Leveling Osteotomy) for a dog at Cascade Hospital for Animals.

Dr. Siegle's expertise in surgery is poised to play a significant role in the hospital's future. "Since joining, I've become certified in the TPLO surgery. That new surgery has been incredibly successful. In about 1.5 years of providing TPLO's, I've performed well over 100 of them. It's incredible how popular this surgery has been for Cascade Hospital for Animals."

Looking forward, he is enthusiastic about introducing more advanced surgical and diagnostic capabilities. "I've been a big advocate for a CT scanner. This is the next step in advanced imaging and there are so many cool possibilities that this can provide for both clients and for our team in terms of better information, more accurate diagnosis, and improved care."

Dr. Clayton Siegle's passion, vision, and commitment to both veterinary medicine and business leadership position him well to lead Cascade Hospital for Animals into a promising future. His dedication to continuing his family's legacy while embracing innovation and compassionate care ensures that Cascade Hospital for Animals will remain a cornerstone of veterinary excellence in West Michigan. As he embarks on this new chapter, the community can look forward to many exciting developments under his leadership.

Located in the heart of West Michigan, serving Ada, Cascade, Forest Hills, and the greater Grand Rapids area, Cascade Hospital for Animals is a trusted haven for pet care. Reach out today if you are in need of an appointment.





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