Three generations: Dr. Clayton Siegle brings more than a family legacy to our team

Three generations: Dr. Clayton Siegle brings more than a family legacy to our team

Cascade Hospital for Animals and Breton Village Animal Clinic are pleased to announce that Clayton Siegle, DVM, joined our staff on July 12. As the grandson of CHFA’s founder and the son of one of its current owners, Clayton is proud to carry on the family legacy, but the decision to go into the veterinary field was entirely his own.

Dr. Fuller poses with Palmer the greyhound. Fireworks can be a source of stress and confusion for dogs like Palmer
Dr. Fuller poses with Palmer the greyhound. Fireworks can be a source of stress and confusion for dogs like Palmer

Fireworks: How to help your dog cope with noise phobia

The Fourth of July is the ultimate summer celebration, a time of cookouts, parades, and, of course, fireworks. Nothing feels more patriotic than watching the beautiful colors exploding in the sky, and for many of us, our neighborhoods turn into a cacophonous light show in the days surrounding the Fourth.

Kevin the German Shepard mix poses with Cascade Animal Hospital staff.
Kevin poses with veterinary staff. The team worked together after Kevin's accident.

Kevin's story: How CHFA's staff worked together to save a dog hit by a car

It’s a fear that haunts every dog owner: that their pet will be hit by a car. When it happened to Kate, a Cascade Hospital for Animals client, her first inclination in a time of rushing adrenaline was to get her dog, Kevin, to CHFA as swiftly as possible.

Cascade Hospital for Animals and Breton Village Animal Clinic value a healthy work-life balance for their employees

Healthy employees and healthy patients: Why we make work-life balance a priority

Even before the COVID-19 pandemic temporarily changed the way we run our clinics, Cascade Hospital for Animals and Breton Village Animal Clinic have been mindful of the effects their jobs have on our employees’ health and well-being...and, in turn, the effect their mental health and well-being have on our success. Our management team was motivated by some sobering statistics to promote a healthy work-life balance for employees. The most recent step to improve that balance has been an adjustment to the weekend hours at CHFA, shortening the hours on Saturday and ending medical services on Sunday.

Simparica Trio is a monthly chewable that pets can be happy about

Introducing Simparica Trio, total protection in one monthly chewable

Some of the biggest problems for dogs come from the tiniest creatures: fleas, ticks, intestinal parasites, and mosquitoes. These pests cause problems ranging from annoying itchiness to life-threatening illness. As we get closer to outdoor summer fun and our pets get more exposure to these threats, it’s a good time to ensure they’re fully protected.

After a year of curbside service, our clinics are going strong

After a year of curbside service, our clinics are going strong

There’s no question the COVID-19 pandemic has meant change for everyone—and every organization, company, and individual has responded in a different way. For veterinary clinics such as Cascade Hospital for Animals and Breton Village Animal Clinic, the early uncertainty around the pandemic in March of 2020 meant taking decisive action. Before the announcement of any government orders, the clinics implemented curbside service in order to promote social distancing. Staff saw their duties change.

Easter lilies can be toxic for cats
Olaf had yellow pollen on his face after he couldn't resist eating from an Easter lily

Easter Lilies and cats: How CHFA helped save a pollen-loving patient

Nothing brings spring into a home like a flower arrangement. When CHFA client Brittany received a lily bouquet from a friend, she displayed it on her desk. But while her back was turned for just a moment, her new cat Olaf began to eat the pollen out of the flower.

Emma, a groomer for Cascade Hospital for Animals and Breton Village Animal Clinic in Grand Rapids

Why grooming is more than caring for a pet's appearance

Many pet owners don’t necessarily see a link between grooming and their four-legged friend’s overall health. But regular grooming is key to maintaining an animal’s health and well-being.

Dr. Grimes of Grand Rapids veterinarian Cascade Hospital for Animals with diabetic cat Max.
Dr. Grimes with Max, a diabetic cat who uses FreeStyle Libre. Max wears a onesie to keep him from biting the sensor.

With FreeStyle Libre, glucose monitoring for diabetic pets is easier than ever

Free Style Libre is a newer technology that can be used in dogs and cats in certain circumstances. If you have any questions, please contact your veterinarian team to schedule an appointment.

It’s not easy caring for a diabetic pet and meeting their unique health needs. But thanks to a new pet-friendly glucose monitoring device, it’s now a lot easier for the owner and the veterinarian to get a full picture of the pet’s insulin needs to ensure they receive the best possible care.

Dr. McBride with a patient. Veterinarians in Michigan can now discuss CBD for pets.
Dr. McBride with a patient. Veterinarians in Michigan can now discuss CBD for pets.

New law allows Michigan vets to discuss CBD with clients

Until a state law that passed on Dec. 31, 2020, Michigan veterinarians were not legally permitted to consult with their clients about the use of hemp-derived products, such as cannabidiol (CBD), for their pets. "We were in a murky legal state," said Dr. Steven McBride, "because we weren't technically allowed to discuss CBD with our clients. So if they wanted to try it for their pets, they felt they had to do it without us knowing."