Name: Sarah
Position: Veterinary Assistant
Hometown: Belding, MI
Pets: "Sophie", a 5 year old poodle mix that is a couch potato; "Kiki" a 12 year old domestic short hair; 9 chickens and a calf named, "Triangle"
More about Sarah:
- Sarah has been working in the veterinary field since 2002.
- Before working at Cascade Hospital for Animals, Sara worked on a horse farm in Lowell, and a horse ranch in Montana
- The meerkat is her favorite zoo animal
- The three things she thinks about most in the day is family, what to make for dinner, and family
- Growing up, she wanted to be a zookeeper
- The first concert she went to was the Beach Boys at the Ionia Free Fair
- The most unusual thing she has ever eaten was alligator.